We bit the bullet this year, and bought the boys a Wii. Yes, I realize that most homes in the developed world have had one of these for ever already. No matter. In case you hadn't yet come to this conclusion, we do things a little differently here at The House.
To say they had a great time is serious understatement; poor Mario and his cohorts actually needed their rest. This morning, I'm congratulating myself for instituting the "no Wii before breakfast" rule and sticking to it -- at least so far. And it's already after 8 a.m.
Quote of the day from The House (and Boy #2): "Holy macaroni, Battleship!!" Yep, he was just a tad excited to get his favorite game. Later in the day, after the excitement had tempered and we were able to actually play, I learned why Battleship is rated for children 7 and up.
"Do NOT move your ships, that's cheating."
Ma'am: E-6. Hit or miss?
Boy #2: Ummm. . .just a minute.
Ma'am: Do NOT move your ships. Is there part of a ship in E-6?
Boy: I'm finking. . .
Ma'am: Don't 'fink,' just tell me if it's a hit or a miss.
And so on and so forth, for about 45 minutes.
And now, in honor of Christmas clean-up, a poem I penned last Christmas. If you're so inclined, you can sing it to the tune of "O Christmas Tree" (which is "O Tannenbaum" for you classisists).
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
How plentiful thy needles!
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
How plentiful thy needles!
The corner yon where thou once stood
Looks ‘most as if it were the wood.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
How plentiful thy needles!
And ‘cross the room, yes, near the stair
We’ll find more needles thru the year;
Too ‘neath the rug and TV stand –
Enough to make me wring my hands.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
How plentiful thy needles!
(TM 2010)